Want to convince someone of something? Read Spinning the Law.

According to Judge Marilyn Milan, of The People’s Court, if your profession requires you to convince anyone of anything you should read Spinning the Law, by Kendall Coffey. 

Not only does the book deal with the art of persuasion, but it illustrates all of the “backstage plays of strategic puppeteering that all high-press cases engage in.”

What is Spinning the Law? Subtitled “trying cases in the court of public opinion” it’s about high-profile courtroom drama, cases like OJ Simpson, Casey Anthony, or George Zimmerman.  It’s about how shaping public opinion can be just as important as what happens inside the courtroom. 

It’s a behind-the-scenes analysis of the shadier side of law, of the media strategies that they don’t teach in law school or journalism classes.  And while anyone who enjoys celebrity legal problems will love it, it’s also must reading for lawyers, journalists, and media students.

Or, as Judge Milan put it, anyone who wants to convince anyone of anything.

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