Colorado Students Face Felony Marijuana Charges

Two students at the University of Colorado-Boulder are in serious trouble with the law after feeding marijuana-laced brownies to unknowing classmates and a professor. Thomas Ricardo Cunningham, 21, and Mary Elizabeth Essa, 19, were “arrested on suspicion of planning and committing second-degree assault and inducing consumption of controlled substances by fraudulent means,” according to the LA Times.

The pair brought the brownies to class on a “bring food” day, causing major mayhem. Their professor had to be hospitalized after she continued to fall in and out of consciousness, and two other classmates were also hospitalized with anxiety and lightheadedness. Five others had a “bad reaction” to the brownies.

The University of Colorado-Boulder ranks No. 1 on the Princeton Review’s list of Reefer Madness schools, and the state recently voted to legalize marijuana for recreational use. But that doesn’t help Essa and Cunningham much, as it’s still illegal to give it to others without their knowledge.

“This is something we take very seriously,” said Ryan Huff of UC’s campus police. “Putting marijuana into a food product and providing it to somebody without their knowledge has always been illegal, and that will continue to be illegal, even after Amendment 64. So I just want to make this clear that these are serious felony cases and we take these very seriously.”

Bronson Hilliard, spokesman for the university, agreed that this is no laughing matter. “Anybody who thinks this is cute, anybody who thinks that this was funny, is going to face pretty severe sanctions, both criminally and potentially within the student conduct process,” he said.

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