Man Outsources Job to China

It’s not uncommon for companies to outsource jobs to foreign countries like China, and it was recently discovered that one man took it upon himself to do the same—with his own job. The man, being paid a six figure salary by his company, hired contractors in China to do his work for him, paying the contractors about a fifth of what he was being paid.

The company had started allowing employees work from home from time to time, and to ensure authenticity, they set up a VPN concentrator. Employees who did work from home on some days were given a physical, rotating token RSA key fob to connect to the network.

After finding a contractor to do his work from China, the man mailed his key fob to his new employee. It took over six months for the company to realize that something was amiss with the VPN logs. First suspecting malware, they launched an investigation with the help of Verizon. Initial logs showed that the man was logged in from Shenyang, China—which was strange since he was sitting at his desk in the office.

Eventually, they realized this had been going on for over six months. Upon searching the man’s computer files at work, they found several interesting things—including payment invoices for the contractors in China. They also found a general layout of his daily schedule for the past six months.

Far from working hard for his several hundred thousand dollars a year, the man had spent most of the last few months surfing Reddit, watching cat videos, eating lunch, checking Ebay, browsing Facebook and LinkedIn, and sending an “update e-mail” to management. 

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