NJ Sandy Charity Sued

According to CBS New York, a Wyckoff, New Jersey, based charity for Superstorm Sandy is being sued by state officials for improper use of funds and failure to register as a nonprofit organization. The suit filed claims that the couple who founded the charity used donated funds for personal expenses and distributed very little of the funds to hurricane victims.

John Sandberg and his girlfriend Christina Terraccino co-founded the Hurricane Sandy Relief Fund (www.sandyrelief.org). However, they allegedly transferred about $13,000 of the donations to their personal bank accounts, spent about $4,500 of the money in retail stores, restaurants, supermarkets, and a home heating oil delivery service. Another $8,000 was used to pay off personal expenses with a credit card company.

A grand total of $1,650 in gift cards was handed out to Sandy victims—a number that pales in comparison to the total amount raised, $631,000 as of January. The website claims that all donations will be used for food, clothing, supplies, and other efforts to help victims recover.

Sandberg has previously stated that the charity was simply experiencing “growing pains” and denied claims that it wasn’t a legitimate nonprofit organization. The couple claimed they had filed for nonprofit status just after Sandy hit, and that they were simply waiting for official confirmation. Their website, however, states that it is a tax-exempt organization when it is not. Now Sandberg has admitted that the paperwork has not, in fact, been filed but claims they are working on it.

Aside from those red flags, the donation portion of  the Foundation’s website lists its full name as the Hurricane Sandy New Jersey Relief Fund, which is the exact name of a completely different (and legitimate) charitable organization set up by First Lady Mary Pat Christie.

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