Sandy Hook Scammer Pleads Guilty

Nouel Alba pleaded guilty to running a Sandy Hook scam.
Nouel Alba pleaded guilty to running a Sandy Hook scam.
Image: Shutterstock
Within several days of the Sandy Hook tragedy in Newtown, CT, one woman saw the horror as an opportunity to raise money for a funeral that did not actually exist.  Nouel Alba of New York used Facebook and other social media sites to claim that she was raising money to cover costs for the funeral of Sandy Hook’s youngest victim, Noah Pozner. 

Alba claimed to be his aunt and likely chose the Pozner family due to their high profile media coverage.  The Pozner family had released several photos of their child to the press and unfortunately made it easy for scammers like Alba to prey off of the emotionally affected potential donors.  Noah Pozner was 6 years old, has a loving family, and is survived by a twin sister.
Alba collected funds with her PayPal account after claiming in emails to PTA members and others involved that she had traveled to the scene of the crime to help identify the body.  She was arrested less than two weeks later for wire fraud and making false claims.  She entered her guilty plea this week, a change from her original plan to go to trial. 

While the amount of money Alba collected was only $240, the F.B.I. said in a statement that Alba’s scam was harmful to suffering families and to legitimate charities alike.  Originally Alba claimed she was not involved in the scam and that someone else was using her name.  She now faces up to 25 years in prison and a $50,000 fine.  Sentencing will be in late August, and those affected by the tragedy will be able to make statements that could affect the severity of consequences.

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