Obamacare Mandate Delayed

Flickr CC by Cast A Line

  The Affordable Care Act (ACA), a major pillar of President Obama’s first term in office, is proving to be more difficult to implement than the administration had hoped.  The White House announced this week that the mandate for employers to provide insurance will be delayed for one year while the government sorts out any confusion.  

  The strangeness in the case of ACA, or Obamacare as it is commonly called, is that is actually affects a very small percentage of businesses and individuals.  The mandate requires that employers with fifty or more employees must provide health care benefits.  The rule, therefore, only applies to about 5% of the number of businesses, and many of them are big companies that already provide benefits.  The tiny number left that would be affected, are making a lot of noise about it.  Health care is very expensive for low wage employers like restaurants and retailers, and many small businesses will struggle with the cost adjustments.  The regulations for determining taxation status for healthcare is also quite complicated, and has caused a lot of stress, in particular for seasonal businesses.  The administration notes the calculations as the major reason for the delay.

  For individuals, it gets even more muddied.  Anyone without health insurance face a tax penalty.  However, a vast majority of the workforce is covered by employers.  Anyone making less than $45,000 a year is either exempt from the penalty or subsidized.  If an individual cannot find insurance that is lower than eight percent of income, or if they are experiencing financial hardship, they can also seek to be excused.  Also, people receiving insurance at work will most likely not be eligible to participate in the state run e
xchanges that will take place in January, even if the person is being charged high premiums.

  While the law is giving significant benefits to people with preexisting conditions and college aged children who can stay on their parents’ plan, the law will continue to stumble as the long list of regulations come into sight.  Be on the lookout for some healthcare hurdles.
The healthcare bill stirs up a lot of emotion. Photo by Andrew Aliferis via Flickr CC

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