The Robin Hood Foundation Seeks Millions in Damages from Patriot Communications in New Lawsuit

It is always discouraging to hear about lawsuits that involve charitable foundations, but they are an unfortunate reality. A legal dispute that has recently made headlines is between the Robin Hood Foundation and Patriot Communications over last December’s Sandy Relief Benefit Concert, which the foundation organized. 
According to the RHF, millions in potential donations were lost.
According to the RHF, millions in potential donations were lost.
Image: Shutterstock

According to Billboard Business, the Robin Hood Foundation is suing Patriot Communications for breach of contract, breach of warranty, negligence and fraud, alleging that the company, which was hired to handle the monetary functions at the benefit concert, failed to perform the services it was contracted to provide. Billboard explains that according to the Robin Hood camp, millions of dollars in donations were left on the table due to spotty service from the company tasked with processing the donations.” The foundation is seeking $5 million or more in damages and is represented by Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher. 

The Robin Hood Foundation is an organization that has fought poverty in New York City for more than twenty years. Some notable Board Members include political strategist Ken Mehlman, Marian Wright Edelman of the Children’s Defense Fund, and Harvey Weinstein, among many other passionate activists fighting to end poverty. Board Member Geoffrey Canada describes his like-minded colleagues as “engaged, actively working, getting their hands dirty – often meeting at programs they fund, in the city’s toughest neighborhoods,” explaining that the reason why the Robin Hood Foundation is so effective is that its supporters “truly walk the walk.”

With a board that pays all administration and fundraising costs it’s no wonder that there was such backlash directed towards Patriot Communications. Every penny earned from the benefit concert goes directly towards ongoing Hurricane Sandy relief efforts, and towards ending poverty in New York City. Clearly, the stakes here are very high.

Though the benefit concert was incredibly successful, the Robin Hood Foundation claims that it would have been even more effective had Patriot Communications acted more professionally. According to the lawsuit filed by the foundation, "The event eventually raised many millions of dollars for this worthy cause, but it would have raised millions more had the efforts of many potential donors not been stymied by Patriot's gross failure.” Stay posted for more news about the development of this ongoing legal battle.

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