Ex-NFL Star Charged with Rape in Five States

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Retired NFL star Darren Sharper was charged with rape and drugging of 2 women in Los Angele. He pleaded not guilty to an L.A. court on Thursday to the charges.

Judge Renee Korn ordered Sharper not to frequent any bars or clubs with alcohol until his hearing. Sharper was also ordered not to be alone with any women he does not have a previous relationship with. “The court considers these crimes quite serious and has to evaluate the protection of the public.” said Korn.

Attorney Blair Berk stated that Sharper would plead not guilty to the charges. Sharper’s bail went to $1 million from $200,000 in response to a prosecution request to raise it as high as $10.

Sharper, 38, is a five-time Pro Bowl player and an NFL Network analyst. He is charged of two counts of rape by use of drugs, four counts of carrying a controlled substance and one count of possession of a control substance. The alleged rapes occurred in October of last month.

Sharper is accused of using morphine and zolpidem, on his two victims, stating they blacked out after Sharper served them a shot. As well as the charges in LA, he is under investigation in Las Vegas, New Orleans, and Tempe, AZ. with a total of five alleged rape cases.  A Florida woman last month filed a sexual battery complaint in Miami against Sharper relating to a 2012 incident. The New Orleans case would be the ninth rape case in five sates.

The alleged acts occurred between Spt. 22 and Jan. 15. Women reported meeting Sharper at nightclubs then going back to wherever he was staying for the night.  Many said they drank shots of alcohol offered by Sharper and then woke up not remembering anything that happened.

“All of these were consensual contact between Mr. Sharper and women who wanted to be in his company, who voluntarily ingested alcohol and drugs in many cases,” said Sharper’s attorney Leonard Levine to the judge. If convicted, Sharper faces more than 30 years in state prison.

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