in Intellectual Property Battle turns Louisiana tourism slogan into attack
In a case that may look like politics on the surface more than a legitimate legal quarrel, the state of Louisiana is suing for trademark infringement.  MoveOn, a progressive advocacy group based in California, was running a billboard ad attacking Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal. 

The billboard played on Louisiana’s current state tourism slogan “Pick Your Passion” by writing “Pick your passion! But hope you don’t love your health.”  The ad was a jab at Governor Bobby Jindall, who is boycotting the Affordable Care Act insurance exchange.  The lawsuit was brought forth by Lt. Governor Jay Dardenne, who runs the Louisiana Tourism Office.  

Dardenne says that no group should be allowed to use the tourism brand for their own gains, but also admits that he is especially offended that it is being used for political purposes.  The Lt. Governor was careful to point out that has the freedom and right to criticize the state over the healthcare decisions, as long as they don’t take advantage of trademarked material.

Governor Jindall has said that the healthcare law, commonly referred to as Obama Care, is a terrible law and refuses to accept federal funds to issue the mandate of all American citizens to get health insurance. stated that the law suit is “frivolous”, and that the money spent on suing the group would be better spent on providing health care for the people of Louisiana.  The group, however, has decided to leave the billboard up and fight the case as high as it will go.  The phrase “Pick Your Passion” is trademarked, however, and Louisiana will likely have the stronger legal case.

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