Oscar Pistorius Lawyer Calls Investigation Flawed

Flickr CC via Activ Oslo
  Olympic runner Oscar Pistorius of South Africa is currently on trial for murder.  Famous for being a double amputee track runner, Pistorius found himself arrested in 2013.  Last year on Valentine’s Day, police found Pistorus’ live in girlfriend shot dead in his bathroom after shots were fired through the door. 

  During the prosecution, a forensic investigator claimed that Pistorius was not wearing his prosthetic legs when he fired shots through the door.  The runner’s lawyer Barry Roux went on the offensive against the testimony this week, saying that the prosecution has shown evidence that the prosthetic pieces were on in previous evidence.  

  The defense claims that Pistorius put on his prosthetic equipment after firing the shots to break down the door.  When the prosthetic legs were put on matters because it illustrates the accused person’s state of mind at the time of the murder.  Putting the prosthetic legs on first would suggest the murder was premeditated.
Flickr CC via Dave Spilbrow
Oscar Pistorius claims that the shooting was an accident.  According to him, he woke in the middle of the night and was convinced there was an intruder in the house, and he shot at the bathroom door in self-defense.  The intruder turned out to be his girlfriend, model Reeva Steenkamp.  She was shot three times and died on site.

  The door is considered the most important evidence in the case, and was removed from the home for
forensic investigation. Other evidence includes testimony from a friend of Pistorius who claims to be a witness to two incidents when the runner fired guns without warning in public settings.

Pistorius has been very emotional during the trial, frequently crying and vomitedwhen Reeva Steenkamp’s injuries were being described in the courtroom.

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