Cosby Faces More Sexual Assault Allegations

Bill Cosby has offered no direct response
to recent allegations of sexual assault.
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Comedian Bill Cosby continues to be surrounded by controversy regarding allegations of rape and sexual assault.  Currently, the controversy focuses on a November 6 Associated Press interview with Cosby and his wife Camille about a Smithsonian art exhibit, in which, when asked about the allegations, Cosby replied, “I don’t talk about it.”  He also urged the interviewer to cut any mention of the issue from the published interview.  Subsequently, he refused to speak at all with an NPR interviewer who brought up the issue.

People Magazine reported that seven women have come forward regarding alleged drugging and sexual assault by Cosby in the late 60s and mid-80s, while US Magazine put the estimated count at fifteen.

Cosby’s lawyer issued a statement last weekend stating that the “decade-old, discredited allegations against Mr. Cosby” would not receive a response.

However, the allegations have already cost Cosby in cancelled projects with NBC and Netflix, as well as residual checks from TV Land, which was going to air old episodes of The Cosby Show over the holidays.

Cosby did face litigation in 2006, when Andrea Constand, a staffer for Temple University’s women’s basketball team, accused him of drugging and raping her in his Pennsylvania home in 2004.  At the time, Cosby’s attorney, Walter M. Phillips Jr., called the allegations “utterly preposterous,” despite the fact that Constand’s lawyers said they’d found thirteen “Jane Does” with similar stories.  Ultimately the civil suit was settled out of court, though numerous women have come forward since 2005 with accusations.

No further legal action has been taken at this time.

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