Porn: Enforcing Condom Use

Los Angeles County voters recently passed a measure mandating that all porn sets
use condoms. But though the mandate has been given the thumbs up by voters,
officials are now struggling to determine an effective way to enforce it.

Do they send inspectors to porn sites? Implement surprise “inspections”? Watch
porn films to determine whether or not condoms were used? Some are dubious
about the Board of Supervisors’ ability to effectively get porn sets to comply.

“This type of enforcement is a new thing for us and it’s a one-of-a-kind law and
so how we move forward with its implementation is a conversation we’re just
beginning to have,” spokesperson for the Board of Supervisors David Sommers told
Reuters in an interview.

Porn star Ron Jeremy agreed that regulation will be difficult, saying, “I have a hard
time picturing a cop on set saying, ‘Excuse me, I need to inspect your penis.’”

While officials scramble to figure out the details, porn producers in L.A. County are
immediately being required to purchase a health permit, which will work like health
permits at restaurants. Sites will be “inspected,” and if found in violation, they will
be shut down.

Of course, many expect that registered producers will simply use condoms when
inspectors are there and not use them when they leave because their viewers
expect condom-free porn. And many more may choose to not even register due to
additional cost, simply shooting in private homes instead. Some have even said they
would be more willing to move locations rather than pay additional costs in L.A.

State and city laws already mandate the use of condoms, but those laws are rarely
enforced. The new local mandate will likely be more easily and frequently enforced
once a system is in place; however, they face possible opposition with the Free
Speech Coalition, which has threatened to challenge the law in court.

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