Seattle Man Victim of Burglar… or Cats

A Seattle man living in the Capitol Hill district of the city has reported two break-ins at his condo over two days. According to the man, the break-ins occurred two days in a row, both when he made quick trips to the grocery store.

On February 17th, he left his condo unlocked while he went to the store. When he got home, he says a plate of cheese and some frozen cookies were sitting on the kitchen counter, along with two glasses in the corner of the living room. Water was spilled on the carpet next to his bed.

But he didn’t report the break-in and went to the store again the following day, February 18th—again without locking his condo door. And when he returned, he found more spilled liquid on the carpet around his bed. He smelled and tasted it, determining that it was water.

Still, he didn’t report what he believed to be two separate break-ins until early on February 19th, when he called police to the condo after being unable to locate a folder of tax documents. Of course, by this point he had cleaned up the messes in his apartment, leaving police officers unable to look for evidence of a break-in.

More likely than burglars, though, is that the man’s two cats are the culprits of all the strange happenings. Their water bowl is near his bed, and since he determined the wet spots were water, it’s certainly possible that the cats were just having a bit of fun.

That doesn’t explain the missing tax documents, but it does explain the rest of it. In the meantime, officers of the Seattle Police Department gave the man a shortlist of recommendations: 1) Start locking his condo and setting the alarm when he goes out; and 2) Call them if he found the missing tax documents in the condo.

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