NJ School Bans Strapless Dresses

A middle school in Readington, New Jersey, is making headlines this week for imposing a ban on strapless dresses for its upcoming dinner dance for 8th graders. The school’s policy was implemented by principal Sharon Moffat and supported by the district’s superintendent, Barbara Sargent. In a statement, Sargent explained that the school district’s dress code applies the same rules to the school day and extracurricular school events.

Are strapless dresses inappropriate for teenagers?
Are strapless dresses inappropriate for teenagers?
Image: Shutterstock
“We regret that a small number of families are upset by this and we welcome their input and communication,” Sargent’s statement reads. “The Board of Education regularly reviews and revises policy through its Policy Committee.”

Charlotte Nijenhuis is one parent upset by the rule, frustrated by its implementation without parent input. The dinner is being held at a private venue and is financed by parents. And with just over a month to go until the dance, some girls have already bought dresses that they’re now being told aren’t appropriate.

Strapless dresses are among the most popular style for formal gowns. Part of that is because they are much simpler for designers and suppliers to make. Readington Middle School is certainly not the first school to implement a ban on strapless gowns, and turning girls away who show up in them would not be an unprecedented move by the school.

As far as parents’ legal rights are concerned when it comes to dress codes, courts have generally sided with schools. Exceptions have only come when dress codes were particularly unreasonable, discriminatory, or ambiguous.

In a letter to parents, Principal Moffat laid out the dress expectations for the event, saying, “gentlemen are encouraged to wear collared shirts and trousers; many boys wear ties or jackets. Young ladies should wear a skirt, dress with straps, or dressy pants outfit. Jeans or sneakers are not appropriate for this event.”

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