Planned Parenthood Loses in Texas, Wins in Louisiana

Photo: Charlotte Cooper | FlickerCC.
Texas anti-choice advocates won another victory in their sustained war against women when a Texas judge ruled that Planned Parenthood could no longer accept Medicaid, the federally mandated insurance program for low-income Americans.
The ruling, of course, stems from the widespread belief among Republicans and their supporters that Planned Parenthood sells baby parts on the black market.
Not since the 1980s, when countless Americans believed that Satanists were secretly murdering 50,000 children a year, has something so obviously false been believed with such fervor.
And just like the “Satanic Panic,” the idea that Planned Parenthood sells baby parts on the black market is a false, politically motivated claim that has no factual evidence to support it, but benefits conservatives across the country.
In Louisiana, thankfully, a judge actually ruled in favor of Planned Parenthood and issued a two-week restraining order, which would require that state to continue making Medicaid payments to that organization.
He said, of the ongoing legal battle between Planned Parenthood and the state of Louisiana, that the group should have little trouble proving that attempts to defund them are purely political.
He maintained that there is no evidence that the group even performs abortions in Louisiana, that they sell baby parts, or that the videos, which “prove” the allegations were even shot in that state.
Bobby Jindal, governor of Louisiana, candidate for the Republican nomination, and historically on the wrong side of liberal rights and science, has vowed to continue the fight against a group that is empirically proven to do nothing in his state but support women’s health through affordable cancer screenings and other services.

As the Republican war against women continues, their candidates, in between slinging mud at each other, constantly attack Planned Parenthood, and Republicans at the federal level have tried to defund the group as well. It’s not working, of course, because Americans aren’t as stupid as Republicans think we are.

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